Day Nine
Day Nine

Yellowstone National Park, WY to Yellowstone National Park, WY
June 21st, 2004

High Point of the Day....
Low Point of the Day......
Brian - Bubbling, gurgling ground
Theresa - A day of walking and hiking and such
Brian & Theresa - None that come to mind
Miles Traveled Today
Total Miles Traveled
Miles Theresa Drove
0 (702 Total)
Sunny, cloudy and in the upper 70's
Price of Gas 
(average per gallon)
Night's Lodging
Where this Page was Uploaded
Bison, elk, mule deer, antelope, chipmunks and a bunny
Mammoth Hot Springs Campground
Billings, MT

Daily Didactic
It was a spectacular day in Yellowstone, sunny and clear until early evening. It is, however, at a high enough elevation to put a nip in the air and require an extra layer. We rose early at Norris Campground and made our way down to the Old Faithful visitor center. We arrived just in time to see Old Faithful spout from a little way off. Turns out she spouts on average every 93 minutes, so we took a nature hike around the boardwalk above Old Faithful which passes by twenty or thirty geysers and hot spring pools. They are very impressive to look at and the 93 minutes went very quickly, with us arriving back just in time to see the Old Faithful's next blast. We then spent enough time on the (pay) phone with our new cell phone provider to see Old Faithful erupt again...

We got a little lunch at the Geyser Grill and headed on up the road back toward Norris Campground, pulling out at various geysers and mud pots and making the detour up to Yellowstone Canyon for a hike to the lower falls from Inspiration Point. After our second little hike of the day, we backtracked all of the way to the North Entrance and checked in to the Mammoth Hot Springs campground for the night, with plans to exit tomorrow out the Northeast entrance after a hike up Specimen Ridge to look at some fossils.

We drove the five miles back up the road to Gardiner and, on the advice of a local in the Flying Pig Camp Shop, we had some great pizza at the K-Bar saloon.

Daily Pictures (Slide Show)

Morning at Norris Campground in Yellowstone Park Elk cow and calf, taking the high road
Mule deer, or lady elk, we are still a bit fuzzy If Brian had a geyser, this is what he would name it
Pretty hot spring Ditto
Castle geyser Old Faithful
We were the only folks there Prismatic pool, very pretty
Theresa getting action footage They act like they own the road
Pretty river Prettier river, in the Yellowstone Canyon
Just one more step back... Down
The lower fall in Yellowstone Canyon Funky roots
Mammoth Hot Springs, looking down from Mammoth Hot Springs Cascading pools of hotness
Cleopatra Springs On the recommendation of a local...great pizza
An antelope, about to play

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